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The Lilas micro-farm aims to be the place of experiments and activities with a permacultural , collective and creative vision, associating farmers, artists and craftsmen, and anyone working for a sustainable future.
Open to multiple actors and scales of action, at local, regional and even international level, its vocation is to disseminate ideas and know-how from here and elsewhere in a human and ecologically sustainable approach.
Its productions will be oriented towards two axes:
- food production, initially centered on aromatic and medicinal plants , then aiming at diversification towards the production of small fruits;
- a creative production more particularly oriented towards color and textiles: dye plants in particular.
Marketing is done primarily through direct sales .
The creation of an AMAP of tinctorials saw the light of day in 2019. The first on this theme, it aims to focus on pedagogy, exchange, reconnection to the land and to the living of its members. so that its products are used conscientiously, to promote local and organic consumption for both amateur and professional dyers.
La commercialisation se fait essentiellement en vente directe.
La création d’une AMAP de tinctoriales a vu le jour en 2019. Première sur ce thème, elle vise à mettre l’accent sur la pédagogie, l’échange, la reconnexion à la terre et au vivant de ses adhérent(e)s afin que ses produits soient utilisés en conscience, à promouvoir une consommation locale et biologique pour les teinturier(e)s amateurs comme professionnels.
Our services
On appointment.
Lieu-dit-Les Lilas
78730 Longvilliers
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